SMT’s Baydu Al, invited to join the BSI MCE/5/-/6 Committee for the Calculation of Gear Performance
It is with great excitement we can announce that Baydu Al, one of our Senior Software Engineers, has been invited to join the BSI MCE/5/-/6 – Calculation of Gear Performance Committee, which shadows ISO/TC 60/SC 2/WG6.
Baydu regularly writes papers to aid with research and development on the topic of Gear Performance, and it is hoped that his new appointment on the BSI MCE/5/-/6 Committee will see his research and insight become even further reaching.
The BSI have worked hard for over 100 years to challenge mediocrity and help embed excellence into both product and people.
We are immensely proud of our staff who achieve such greatness and recognise the importance of their personal development, as well as the development of our expertise as a business.
We look forward to passing this on to all our customers!
Congratulations Baydu!