Majd Khador, SMT’s Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) Associate, presents research on the “Design and Rating of Polymer Cylindrical Gears” at the KTP Associates Conference 2016 in Coventry University.
The KTP Associates Conference took place this year on the 25-26th May 2016 at the Engineering and Computing building in Coventry University.
This annual conference celebrates the benefits and successes of the collaborative work between companies and academic institutions through KTPs.
The conference included speeches from former KTP Associates as well as presentation sessions from current Associates on a wide range of topics, focusing on the transfer and embedding of technology, knowledge and innovation, across all sectors of industry.
Majd presented his work on polymer gears as part of the Knowledge Transfer Partnerships between SMT and the University of Warwick.
SMT’s KTP with the University of Warwick’s School of Engineering is to collaboratively investigate and improve the design and analysis of polymer gears.
The project is supported by a £150k grant from the Technology Strategy Board.
The KTP scheme helps businesses to improve their competitiveness and productivity through the better use of knowledge, technology and skills that reside within the UK knowledge base.
The School of Engineering at the University of Warwick is one of the leading unified engineering schools in the UK.
Their integrated approach to engineering education brings together the key branches of engineering and draws upon research strengths in core engineering disciplines.
For further information on this research or KTP schemes at SMT, contact us.